“Photography can be a lonely business. It’s a lot of wandering around alone in the dark. I’ve found that it’s important for me to periodically get together with other artists – not just to look at work, but to improvise and play together. After a trip to the playground, my solitary work invariably grows by leaps and bounds. During this four-day workshop, participants will have the opportunity to break out of their comfort zone and experiment with new ways of finding and sequencing photographs.”

This 4-day workshop will operate as a working laboratory with an emphasis on approaching participants’ long-term projects in new experimental ways.

Alec Soth will spend parts of this workshop sharing and discussing his work and methodologies. Participants are expected to present their works in progress, while they will also be given exercises that will challenge them to explore and develop their body of work, having their own journey from one thing to the next.

Group or individual assignments will encourage the participants to build a conceptual structure, which could provide them with reasons on how one picture begets another and could then guide them to draw interconnections within their subjects-matters through visual elements.

3-6 April 2018, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

Submissions Deadline: 22nd February 2018

● Day 1 (April 3rd)

Introductions – each participant gives brief slideshow of their work

Lecture by Alec (From Here To There)

Work as a group to create A Score for Wandering

Execute assignments

● Day 2 (April 4th)

Review assignments

Lecture by Alec (The Space Between Us)

Work as a group to create portraiture exercises

Students pair up and execute portraiture assignments.

● Day 3 (April 5th)

Review assignments

Lecture by Alec (Little Brown Mushroom)

Students create & pitch project ideas

Work on projects

● Day 4 (April 6th)

Work on projects during day.

Evening screening of finished projects

Alec Soth (b. 1969) is a photographer born and based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has published over twenty-five books including Sleeping by the Mississippi (2004), NIAGARA (2006) Broken Manual (2010) and Songbook (2015). Soth has had over fifty solo exhibitions including survey shows organized by Jeu de Paume in Paris (2008), the Walker Art Center in Minnesota (2010) and Media Space in London (2015). Soth has been the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards, including the Guggenheim Fellowship (2013). In 2008, Soth created Little Brown Mushroom, a multi-media enterprise focused on visual storytelling. Soth is represented by Sean Kelly in New York, Weinstein Gallery in Minneapolis, Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco, LOOCK Galerie in Berlin and is a member of Magnum Photos.


The workshop is open up to a maximum of 15 participants.

Submission Deadline: February 22, 2018

Submission e-mail: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.

Submission requirements

⊕ a selection of your work, up to 15 images

jpg / 72dpi / 1000px width side / image option quality: 6

⊕ supporting text of up to 300 words describing your work

⊕ a short bio

⊕ contact details / e-mail & telephone number

→ images and text must be compressed into a single ZIP file (total size up to 20MB)


Chosen photographers will be contacted by email by 1st March 2018 and they will be called to be engaged in the workshop some days earlier by getting an initial assignment by Alec Soth.

All photographers must bring all necessary equipment, like cameras, laptops, memory sticks etc that apply to their creative process.

The investment for the 4-day workshop will be €700

The participants’ selection will be concluded on March 1 and those selected will be immediately notified for further steps of the procedure (payment method, proposed accommodation etc).

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